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Little Millet Dosa Podi


Little Millet is a fibrous millet rich in iron, proteins, and fats. It also contains slow-digesting carbohydrates and antioxidants. Samai helps control abnormal spikes in blood sugar levels, making it an ideal food for diabetics. Additionally, Little Millet contains magnesium, which can help improve heart health, and vitamin B3, which helps lower cholesterol.

Little Millet Dosa Podi is a nutritious alternative to traditional dosa batter, made from finely ground little millet, also known as "samai" or "sama" in some regions. Little millet is a gluten-free grain rich in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients. The millet is ground into a fine powder, mixed with water and spices, and fermented to create a flavorful batter ideal for making dosas, a type of savory Indian pancake. Little Millet Dosa Podi offers a healthy option for those seeking to incorporate more whole grains into their diet or those with dietary restrictions. It can be served with chutneys, sambar, or other accompaniments, enhancing both taste and nutrition.

The nutritional composition can vary slightly depending on factors such as growing conditions and processing methods. Here's a general overview of the nutritional content of raw, uncooked millet grains (per 100 g):

  • Calories: 329 Kcal
  • Protein: 7.7 g
  • Total Carbohydrate:  67 g
  • Sugar:  0g
  • Total Fat: 4.7 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 7.6 g

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